Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Web Roundball Contests Becoming More Accessible

Basketball fans are getting a bigger treat virtually every day as more and more games are being broadcast over the Internet. The growing incidence of broadband Internet connections makes online basketball games more common than ever. However, not all Internet broadcasts of basketball games are legal, so be careful because there are dangers involved.
Data re: online games

  • Commercials remain the norm
  • Viewing of many basketball games possible
  • Watching online a growing trend

The U.S. has become the hub of a recent worldwide explosion in regards to the use of broadband. Just recently you could watch nearly every college basketball game online via video websites like ESPN and CBS Sports. Fees for this service, if there are any, normally are kept small. Just because these basketball games are aired over the Internet doesn’t mean they are without commercial breaks.

Just because you can see a game off of a website does not mean the site necessarily is legal. Computer viruses can result if you watch games broadcast from sites lacking legal permission or license to show that game. Many of these sites are havens for Internet pirates and hackers who seek to do you and your computer harm.

Analysts expect more and more people will begin watching basketball games on the Internet in the future as quality improves and software gets better at finding and making available the associated content that pops up during a game. As the information becomes more relevant to the game and what happens during specific games, Internet broadcasts will become more popular. This would require more advanced software than currently exists, but it’s certainly doable with today’s technology.

Other analysts believe broadcasters will get better at integrating broadband into the actual HD TV program, so while the viewership watching online basketball games will increase, they do not foresee it actually replacing real-life broadcasts. Providing the best experience possible for the viewer is a goal that will be improved upon as Internet technology improves.

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