Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to Look After Your Pet Over Winter

The winter months can serve up some of the most inhospitable weather conditions of the year. With extreme cold, rain, snow and sleet mixed in with the shorter days it is little wonder that people and their pets are far more susceptible to the elements and the dangers that come with them. Just as with their owners, pets are susceptible to the harsh conditions of the winter months. Even though they have their own natural (furry) defence against poor weather conditions, animals can still be affected by cold and susceptible to related ailments as a results. It can be a particularly difficult time of year for smaller animals, who are far more susceptible to the lower temperatures and need added attention. These kinds of pets include guinea pigs, rabbits and any other pets that you might ordinarily keep outside; during the colder months it is adviseable to keep any such animals indoors where they ought to be more comfortable.

For larger animals such as cats and dogs there are more things to consider. For example with the shorter days of winter comes added danger of losing your dog or them getting into trouble with unsighted vehicle drivers. When the nights are drawing in, you need to take extra care to ensure that your pet remains visible. This might include wearing bright reflective collars and clothing or even attaching specialist flashing lights (much like you'd see on the back of many bikes) that will help them stand out from the dark background and will ensure that you and all others will be able to see them at all times.

Younger dogs and cats are arguably more at risk than their more worldly wise counterparts. If they are yet to experience conditions including ice and snow their inquisitive minds may lead them to trouble. Frozen water is a particular danger, with ponds and lakes making an alluring but potentially deadly playground for animals and children. Where there is a danger of your pet potentially straying onto the ice you should be vigilant and ensure that they don't come to any harm. With obedient breeds you might be able to keep them nearby with commands, for those free-spirited types don't take any chances and get them on their lead immediately. Whilst we can't replace our cherished pets, we can help to ensure that they remain safe and healthy right throughout their lifetime, particular during the cold winter seasons. Careful ownership will of course go a long way, but there are still some events and illnesses that you can't legislate for. To counteract any potential issues you may face as an owner or that your pet might run in to, you should give serious consideration to investing in pet insurance.

Pet insurance works in much the same as your car or house insurance does; however there are some very distinct differences. For example you can get specialist puppy insurance. There are speciliast insurance packages for puppies, which have been created for younger animals not covered by conventional dog insurance policies. It will keep them covered for trips to the vets, helping you to lower the cost of expensive treatments and surgeries, which also means that you shouldn't ever have to face any difficult decisions concerning the welfare of your dog, even when finances are tight.

You can of course get a full variety of insurance packages and coverage for both cats and dogs. Just as with puppies, kitten insurance is a fantastic - often reduced - way to keep your new cat on the straight and narrow, helping to pave the way for a long, happy life in your family.

So be careful this winter and make sure your pets are kept as warm and safe as your family right throughout. Make sure your pet enjoys the winter months as much as you do, here are a few short, sharp tips:
  • Find protective and/or reflective clothing
  • Keep away from ice
  • Keep away from bonfires and fireworks
  • Don't feed them leftovers
  • Ensure that smaller animals are kept inside

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