You can spend hundreds of dollars on buying college or university textbooks. There are some ways how to avoid buying textbooks. You can really get the textbooks for free. If you learn some simple techniques, you will be able to save much money and have more time for your girl-/boy-fried.
I have recently graduated from college and I know that textbooks are not cheap. Once, for one class I needed three textbooks, but I avoided buying two of them. What I did is sending emails and making calls, and what is more, talking to a professor. Here is what I did.
First, you would not believe it, but you can get loaned textbooks. What you need to do is to call some friends that have the same class but in different times. You ask them whether they still need those textbooks for semester or for a specific time, and ask to borrow their textbooks. Of course it means that you need to have many good friends. Also be ready to share your books with others as well. You also need to be very careful with the books not to spoil them or write something in the books. Notwithstanding those inconveniences, the result is really great.
In addition, if you have a previous edition of the book you may ask your college professor as to what parts of the book you may need and whether there are any important changes in the book you are borrowing. In addition, if you find out that there are some materials that you do not have in your edition of the book you may try to use online search, or library database search. As you have a free access to the library, you get the information for free. You will still need to have some toner to print the pages for the class.
In addition, if you use the books well, your fellow student will give you more after you have returned the books.
Secondly, you may ask your professors to borrow the books from them, especially if you ordered the books online and there have been some problems with shipment. Most professors will allow using their textbooks as they usually have several copies. A good relationship always helps in getting the books.
And thirdly, use the study lab, if one is required for the class you are taking. There might be a teaching assistant who will answer the questions and will have the book with them. The lab is usually unoccupied, so you may freely use it. It is also a chance to use the book and ask the questions. What is more you will get a reputation of an interested student.
So as you can see from my article, there is a way to save money and not buy all the books required.
In case you are looking for cheap college textbooks - this is a great resource that will help you to get college textbooks at the best price. All details, info and prices on the cheap textbooks web site.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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