Monday, January 18, 2010

Technology Moves Education Forward with the Learning Management System

Taking a walk down memory lane show cases the advancements that have been made within the education system to improve the quality of learning, who would have ever thought that something like a learning management system could be invented to facilitate distant learning creating an easier way for students to further their education? It is nothing short of amazing to assess and measure the advancements, and yet new developments are still underway. With technology constantly striving to breakthrough new walls, it should not surprise us as a new generation of technology within the learning management system begins to develop.

Going back to the 1700’s schools were very limited in size and resources with their one room school house that housed numerous age levels within one class. Schools began to develop quickly and as a result the doors of opportunity were opened for students not discriminating against, age, social class, ethnicity, or gender. Students were put into age groups and created a class for each age group with their own age appropriate material. Now we fast forward to the day when computers were first integrated and introduced into the schools. Computers became a regular subject matter within the education system, making it mandatory for students to participate in computer classes and learn typing skills as well as how to navigate through the system.

Technology never ceases to amaze us with their innovative creations, and the introduction to wireless internet was no exception. Wireless internet is popping up everywhere, college campuses, the workplace, even our favorite local cafés are becoming more populated by students and business workers as they have startied to offer free wifi. High Schools are turning to the web as they provide a secured system where Students must complete and submit their assignments online and can access their new assignments for their class schedules. This new enhancement has made the Parents lives easier as they are now able to keep track of their child’s progression and performance in their classes as online report cards have been integrated as a valuable resource to ensure students are being kept accountable. Colleges are moving forward by taking education mobile and have created ways for students to earn their degree with a distant learning program via a learning management system.

Technology never rests as there is a continuous drive to find new ways of making higher education more efficient. An example of this is newly integrated interactive courses that provide virtual instructor led seminars live on the web as well as assessment tools that measure the effectiveness of the course by measuring student’s reactions and scores. With the different learning methods, content developers have implemented each style; visual, auditory, and kinetic, to their curriculum material to ensure the greatest amount of comprehension for their learners. The door of opportunity to further education has been made available to us via the learning management system and valuable learning tools that have been proven to be extremely valuable. It has been nothing less than exciting to see how we have progressed and advanced and still knowing that this is more to come in regards to future developments within the education system.

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