Friday, December 10, 2010

Advocate Flea and Heartworm Treatment - One of the Best Flea and Heartworm Solutions Available

There are probably levels of threat to pet health, and heartworm disease ranks among the top contenders. While fleas are not often categorized under ‘life-threatening,’ they do pose a serious discomfort to pets.
When your pet is seriously infested with fleas, this can lead to painful to watch scratching – and not many loving pet owners can stand to see their pets in such pain.
Fleas, at their worst, can cause allergies and drive pet scratch their skins raw and bite hard on the itchy spots. To distract themselves from the discomfort of that intense itch, pets will rub themselves against whatever they can find – the floor, your furniture, fencepost – and leave their raw skin patches vulnerable to infections; these mean more problems for you and more discomfort for your pet.

In the foregoing scenario, you may be seeing tufts of hair all over your home – it’s more painful to be reminded of how these got there.
All these pet discomforts can actually be avoided – there are medications on the market, good ones, that can take your pet’s flea and heartworm problems head on, and in one convenient package.
Revolution is one these. Another recommended solution is Advocate Flea and Heartworm Treatment.

Revolution - one dose is all your pet needs, for a month-long relief

Pfizer, manufacturer of Revolution, is confident their treatment for dogs and cats works – many pet owners concur.
Revolution protects your pets from fleas and heartworm, but also from other problems, such as intestinal parasites and troublesome ear mites.
You can get Revolution only via veterinary prescription, so you might as well buy it from your vet. It comes in multipacks of one-dose vials that are easy to administer. The color of the package indicates how strong the dose is.
You only need one vial to use on your pet for a protection from fleas, heartworms, and other parasites that pester your pet.

Advocate Flea and Heartworm Treatment - no more tablets to handle parasitic infections!

It comes in a convenient tube and eliminates existing parasite infections (such as fleas, heartworm, gastrointestinal worms, ear mites, demodex, and Sarcoptic Mange), gives continuous protection (up to a month), and prevents re-infestation/re-infection.
Since Advocate kills off flea larvae present in your pet's immediate surroundings, it drastically reduces the chances of re-infestation and lowers the cases of Flea Allergy Dermatitis.

Remember, when buying flea and heartworm control treatment, to get one that fits your pet's type and weight. If you're buying this from your vet you'll probably get a free sermon on how to administer each dose, and what to do in case there maybe complications (as when your pet is undergoing another treatment or has other conditions).

It’s also wise to shoo other animals away from you pet immediately after treatment, otherwise they might lick the treatment off your pet’s coat.
The treatment has to set it for at least half an hour after application. Pets that ingest such treatment usually show any of the following signs - pupil dilation, diarrhea, tremors, loss of appetite, and poor coordination.

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