Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Advocate for Dogs - Flea and Heartowm Prevention is Vital for Your Dog's Health

sible and caring dog owners worry a lot about their dog's comfort and health.
Of the various things one would do for one's pet - grooming, routinely cleaning the house, vet check ups, a good diet - flea and heartworm prevention should be included. This treatment is vital to the comfort and health of one's dog. One of the most recommended treatments is Advocate for Dogs.

Fleas and Heartworms - the discomfort they cause

Dog parasites such as fleas and heartworms can cause serious health problems along with physical discomforts to your pets. If you leave the fleas as they are, your dog will have no recourse but to keep scratching its coat, which later on means patches of raw skin.
It's not a new story when you hear about dogs distracting themsevels from the itching pain - rubbing their backs against furniture, the ground, walls, and so on.
One clearly needs to stick to a home cleaning regimen and pet grooming.
To these pet health maintenance activities, one should add choosing the right flea and heartworm treatments.

Flea and heartworm prevention - some key ingredients

The active ingredients some of the most reviewed flea preventive treatments are Fipronil or Imidacloprid.
Some of the more affordable flea treatments contain Pyrethrin, which may be harmful to your pet. So that means, if you want to avoid exposing your pet to possible harm when choosing flea treatments, look for Fipronil or Imidacloprid as key ingredients in the treatments you’re looking for.
You don’t have to go the dog supply store to look up bottle or package labels and check the ingredients – instead, you can do this kind of checking online, on many dog supply websites.
The ingredients are often listed with the product descriptions

You can address these two problems – both heartworms and fleas – with the most recommended heartworm preventives, which also contain ingredients that treat and control fleas.
Lufeneron and Milbemycin are the ingredients to look for.
If your local dog supply shop does not provide a public list of ingredients per product, you can usually find such list online. Pet health magazines are yet another source.

Administering f lea and heartworm treatments

Most of these flea preventive treatments come in topical forms, and packed in tubes that are easy to use on your dog. You need only to squeeze the entire vial on the back of your dog's neck. As for heartworm preventives, most of these are to be taken by mouth and once a month.
Some of them can be combined for pet food, some can be fed directly to most dogs owing to a flavored characteristic.

How your dog benefits from Advocate for Dogs

Advocate was designed for convenience and efficiency in mind.
The packaged applicator is a simple tube to squeeze out and use on your pet – it fights fleas, heartworm, gastrointestinal worms, ear mites, demodex, and Sarcoptic Mange
One dose lasts an entire month. If you’re the type who doesn’t like breaking tablets and grinding them into pet food, Advocate is for you.

You can be sure that heartworm infection is also prevented.
Advocate goes into your pet’s bloodstream after use and works its magic there.
With scheduled, monthly use, Advocate shields your dog from heartworm infection.

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