Many companies have been cutting back on employees to save money in a poor economy. If you're concerned that your job is in jeopardy, you might consider going back to school to earn a college degree. Many adults are among today's college students. Yet a Lumina Foundation report shows that 54 million working adults do not have a college degree, the Lumina Foundation reports. Adult learners are important to the country's global competitiveness, the foundation notes.
You might not think that you can squeeze in time for college programs. But there are a variety of non-traditional options for adults to choose from, including online college classes and online degree and certificate programs. Online college programs particularly are associated with flexibility and reduced costs and time spent commuting. Programs like these can help adult students enhance their skills in the workplace, the Lumina Foundation reports.
Some institutions may also offer free online classes. This could help prospective students determine what field they would like to enter without draining their wallets. Many employers offer tuition reimbursement benefits, and yet few employees make use of these benefits.
The Society for Human Resource Management reports that less than 50 percent of full-time employees with tuition benefits at companies with 250 to 499 full-time employee made use of those benefits. Many say they're too busy working, the Society for Human Resource Management noted. Many also say they're not sure how the corporate culture views continued learning, according to the organization.
It's not uncommon for adult workers to enroll in college during times of economic downturn, a Lumina Foundation publication reports. Many do so to sharpen their skills or to retrain or retool for new careers. These students particularly might find certificate programs helpful and convenient. Employers have been known to look favorably upon certificates, particularly when they're combined with work experience.
Some programs allow students to perfect certain business skills. Learning a foreign language, for example, might be particularly helpful in the global marketplace. Fluency in another language can be an invaluable asset in many other fields as well.
Online college classes and non-credit classes might be especially popular among adults who want to polish workplace skills, the Lumina Foundation reports. In instances where workers show initiative, companies that don't offer tuition reimbursement might have other programs in place that provide financing for some college classes. If you'd like to return to school for professional purposes, you might consider discussing with your employer the classes that interest you and see if there are any opportunities for reimbursement.
With the job market becoming so competitive, employees who want to stay competitive in their fields might consider continued education. Employers these days have a wide variety of qualified applicants from which to choose. Online college and campus-based programs might be a way of enhancing credentials. Students might find online college classes and online degree and certificate programs particularly appealing. Offerings from schools online are known for providing the flexibility of scheduling studies between work and family responsibilities. Students might find some college programs offered entirely online, while others include campus components. In some instances, students might even be able to complete online master programs in less than the time typically required.
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