Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Counsels Five And Six How To Study The Bible

Now I am going to tell to you the counsel of two experts, about the way of how to study the Bible.

The first expert is known as Prem Rawat, of Malibu, California. He is not an expert about scripture per se, through itself, nevertheless Prem Rawat is an expert about the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prem travels about the planet, teaching folks, freely, how to get into "the kingdom of heaven within", which is identical to "the law inscribed within our hearts", which is identical to "the name that is called wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the prince of peace", which is identical to "the baptism of the fire and the holy spirit".

Check out Prem Rawat's counsel for us: go through the holy book, until we discover the place that quoth "What you seek for is inside you", then close the volume.

If you desire to hear Prem Rawat discoursing on video, visit wopg.org/en/webcasts/event-videos.

The 2nd expert's name is Al Neal, hailing from St. Albans, WV. Al is the chiefest authority on coded meanings in the scriptures. Al Neal teaches beings human, such as we, how to clarify the most dark passages of the holy scriptures, by using a remarkable code in the Bible.

Al Neal teaches in people's homes, not in a public church edifice. Al teaches to begin reading at Genesis 1. Al advises us to read straight through, til when we arrive at a part that we comprehend not. Right then, teaches Al, pray to Elohim and request him to show to us the meaning of the words. Immediately, quoth he, "put it on the shelf" and move forward in our reading.

When he says "put it on the shelf", he means for us to desist from further thinking about the subject, and move forward in our reading.

Al's teaching is, that when arriving at one, of those Biblical lists of names or numbers, then we should completely read all of them, for the purpose, that those words in the list will become truly meaningful to us in the future, at such time, as we will learn that those same words refer to other passages in other spots in the Bible.

If yourself want to hear a portion of the ideas, that Al has to share, in audio or video, online, you have the opportunity to find his nomenclature alone, or else including the grouping of words "infinity Bible code", or else "prophecy club".

Pause a moment, ere you visit the web's site below, please be a nice person and share a thoughtful comment. We wish to read your thoughts, and the way, that you feel. Milliard gratitudes to you.

A great amount of lore awaits you about Bible meaning, also acquire the $100.00 prize when you play in our scripture trivia online meet! Visit Biblefixit.com at How To Study The Bible.

See clearly the meaning of the Bible and save on Christian volumes when you visit How To Study The Bible.

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