Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Magnolia Tree Gardening And Its Therapeutic Effects

Magnolia tree gardening is becoming very popular nowadays because of its therapeutic effects. There are other than 200 plant types of magnolias. The popular ones are the star magnolia and saucer magnolia. American states Louisiana and Mississippi have magnolia as their state flower.

The popular star magnolia or even the M. stellata is a large shrub. They grow as tall as twenty feet in height and produce white, sometimes pink, flowers. The saucer magnolia can develop to thirty feet and heavily produces either white, pink or purple blossoms. They are planted either with full sun or perhaps in a moist environment. They require very fertile and organic soil to be able to fully grow.

Magnolia tree gardening is very much encouraged. Magnolias are perfect to grow and cultivate in gardens and plantations. They are also very easy to grow and produce beautiful flowers.

They're not only cultivated for their aesthetic value. Magnolias are recognized to produce a therapeutic scent. When grown, they provide a healthy alternate to the usual polluted and dusty environment. They are also grown traditionally because of their medicinal properties.

As herbal and organic medicine, the flower buds and barks are used. Traditional herbal medicinal uses of magnolia include weight reduction, relief from stress, depression and anxiety, relief from digestion problems and constipation, pain reliever and asthma. The flower buds are also used for the treatment of sinusitis, cough and colds. As pain reliever, the crushed buds are directly put on the head for headaches and to the gums for toothaches. Magnolias are also believed to increase the production of steroids in your body making them best natural treatment for asthma. Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine utilizes the bark of magnolia for sleep, depression and anxiety therapy. Modern researches reveal that magnolia bark contains magnolol and honokiol, therapeutic and relaxing chemicals that are anti-anxiety and anti-angiogenic.

Magnolias are also used as natural beauty aids. The extract of magnolia flower buds is used to apply to skin to remove skin irritation. It is also used like a skin whitening agent and it is believed to remove facial dark spots.

Problems with magnolia tree gardening include losing blossoms during the late spring frost. This is often avoided by delaying the bloom or by placing the magnolia trees in areas that are protected from frost. Check out some useful details at

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