Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Differences In Latex Mattresses

If you are interested in latex mattresses or memory foam mattresses and thinking of buying one, then you'll be wise to do a great deal of research before you commit to anything. Not all mattresses made of latex or memory foam are created equally, and some supposedly eco-friendly versions may still contain petrochemicals. Since a king, queen or double memory foam mattress or a latex foam mattress is usually quite expensive, you won't be very pleased if you discover you bought the wrong one. So do your homework thoroughly before you buy.

There are two kinds of latex mattresses, with an additional hybrid form that blends the two. The basic types are made either from the sap of rubber trees, or with synthetic latex derived from petrochemicals. A completely natural latex foam mattress is expensive, so the chemicals are sometimes blended in to help save money. Natural latex may also be less comfortable, so petrochemical blending provides greater softness and give. Yet a latex mattress can also be made more comfortable with the infusion of natural oils and plant extracts.

A latex mattress is created in one of two ways. With the Standard method, the rubber sap is whipped into a froth, to fill it with the air bubbles that give memory foam its unique characteristics. After the whipped substance is sealed in a mold, it's heated and cured into finished form. The Talalay method adds thousands of pin-like spikes to the mold, creating channels for the air bubbles and making the final latex foam mattresses more buoyant and resilient. Both of these processes can use blended foam, though, so you'll need to investigate further if you're concerned about eco-friendly mattresses.

Nor is every latex mattress necessarily organic, so that will be the main certification to check out. If a mattress is simply labeled "natural" or "green," it may still contain some synthetic materials. Having actual "organic" certification, however, should mean that all materials used will be completely natural, and chemical and pesticide-free.

If you're concerned about ecological standards, then you'll be sure to do some research before buying your new mattress. Labels only go so far, and some make claims that might not be entirely accurate, as manufacturing processes elsewhere in the world might not be completely reliable. So as you head out to do your shopping, you want to be informed with as many of the facts as you can. Read everything about latex mattresses and memory foam mattresses, and make your purchase based on all the facts.

Beth Kaminski is a leading expert in how to treatment for anxiety attacks and has been publishing lots of information on the best anxiety disorder medications for years now at

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