Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prices Of Modern Textbooks

After every semester you have to stand in a long queue to sell you used textbooks that only half a year ago were worth a fortune. What you get is about 20 to 50 bucks and should feel happy because you may have got less. You make one of those who do not know that selling on campus is not your only option as nowadays the Internet offers you much more.

Let’s say you are a person who saves any textbook, to be on the safe side in grown up life as you think they will make your library. But in a couple of years you graduate and understand that the real business is far from what you have read in your textbooks, and what is more, some of them have nothing to do with practice, or simply outdated rubbish. You start understanding that you paid up to USD 200 for a pile of sheets. You start thinking of how to get rid of them to get space for new and better suited ones. And finally you come to a number of options: you may give your books to a secondhand store, donate to a church or some charitable organization. Yet, you will not get money for those options, but if you want to offer them to online used textbooks stores. IF you think that you need to do something to help others, this is a good chance. Thousands of students start looking for those books every semester. You will not only help one or two students if you donate, but because of the rotation of those books years and years again you will help dozens of people looking for some way to save money.

The prices of modern textbooks are really high. This is understandable: as the cost of natural recourses gets higher, the prices for print, paper and other things used for book production, increase, and additionally, the demand for these books is restricted by the number of students that go to colleges, the price for printed edition gets high as well. Yet, this does not save modern students from the hardship of today’s life. Some editions that dust in your library may be rare or unique, and people may benefit from the best they get.
All in all, do not keep your textbooks on your shelves. Professors offer textbooks that will teach the students the ABC of some science and at the same time students have to buy those books. Those books cost hundreds of dollars. Help people to find the answers you used to find for yourself when you studied. You can do some good for others and be noble. Sell your used textbooks to spare some space at your bookcase for new things.

In case you are looking for cheap college textbooks - this is a great project that will help you to find college textbooks at a very fair price. All details, information and prices on the cheap textbooks website.

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