Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Exercise Potential of Swing Sets

If you want to go all out as you buy a swing set for your kids, then there are several prominent companies that produce swing sets and more. And it varies from company to company and from website to website, as to just what that "and more" actually refers to. As you browse through the different offerings from the various swing set manufacturers, you may start wondering why you are restricting yourself to a "mere" backyard swing set when in fact you could apparently create an entire playground. And more.

Swing sets and accessories come in such a wide variety these days that even adults shopping around for sets for their children might feel like they themselves are kids who have wandered into a candy shop. When today's parents were young and playing on the backyard swing set behind their own house, the play structures were different. Today, they have changed and developed beyond anything they might have imagined at the time. The basic swings and slide still exist, but the extra accessories take them to a whole new level of fun.

One of the favorite new features is the club house, and you can get these for almost any type of swing set, large or small. For example, one of the sets carried by Little Tikes is called a Clubhouse swing set for toddlers, and it includes a raised, roofed platform that children can climb up to via stairs or a climbing wall, with a slide used for coming down. Other companies that sell swing sets and their accompanying accessories, such as Play Nation and Rainbow Play Systems, really go to town with club houses. They place them as central towers off of which the swings, slides, climbing and rope walls, and other swing accessories can branch.

You might think of the newer type of set as a sort of "inadvertent gym" for your children. The wood swing set in particular now comes with so many accessories, like the climbing wall or the ropes, a wooden type of monkey bars or even a trapeze, that the kids almost can hardly help but get more than enough exercise as they play. These swing sets and all the extras that come with them provide both physical and mental stimulation.

With these more creative swing sets and the great accessories that accompany them, you can be assured that your children will have a play time that's full of healthy exercise. And meanwhile, as you're taking thought for that sort of practicality, the kids won't even realize that they're engaging in activities that are "good for them." All they're going to know is that you've gotten them a backyard swing set that is terrific fun, and that they really want to play on it for hours and hours.

Sarah Lomas is a foremost expert in the treating yeast infection field. Her work has been extensively published in various online publications in the areas of yeast infection medications. For more information on the treatment for yeast infections, visit

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