Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Searching For Economical X-Mas Presents

Christmas might be the most financially strenuous time of the year. Nevertheless, there are a lot of ways to find affordable Christmas presents.

Make It

If you are a do-it-yourselfer or have any special talents, you can make a present. For example, if you knit you can make the person an afghan. If you are a closet poet or song writer, pen a poem or song about the recipient. Sing or read the song or poem and have the original put in a frame.


A custom made coupon book might be a welcomed Christmas gift idea. Make individual certificates for doing odd jobs, organizing, and cleaning for the person. You might offer to arrange their pictures into albums, do a week’s worth of chores, or clean their house. If you are shopping for Christmas gift ideas for him or Christmas present ideas for her you might give loving treats such as foot massages and date nights. A coupon book can be put together by printing off empty coupons that can be found online and bound with staples or ribbon.

Gift Baskets

If you are shopping for a gift for an entire family, and don’t have an idea what they like, a gift basket may be the perfect solution. You can fill an affordable basket with homemade cookies or muffins, packs of coffee, coffee mugs, and ripened fruit. You might also want to consider outdoor decor gifts such as bird houses, bird baths, or garden statues. A youngster might enjoy a gift basket filled with gifts from the convenience store. Some ideas may include crayons, bouncy balls, jump ropes, balloons, multicolored windmills, small stuffed animals, play dough, and candy.

Teen girls might like a gift basket filled with hair ties, clips, combs, lip gloss, nail polish, and a magazine or two. A new mom might appreciate a bath and beauty gift set filled with pampering bath salts, hand creams, and lotions. If you have the means, add a gift coupon to a health spa, beauty store, or a department store. The important thing is that you incorporate thoughtful Christmas presents that take into consideration what the person likes.

Treasure Chests

Children love receiving treasures, so why not give them a treasure trunk? This Christmas gift idea is uncomplicated and you can incorporate items from discount stores, Internet stores, and even your own garage. First, locate a box with a safety cover. It could be a decorated plastic tub, cardboard box, or a real chest. Then, select a theme. If your theme is dress-up, you could load the trunk with necklaces, hats, used clothing, play wands and swords, footwear, ribbons, and flags. Other theme ideas are cowboys, royalty, medieval, nature, astronauts, or aliens.

So, with a little consideration you can find unique Christmas presents that are reasonably inexpensive. All it takes is a small amount of digging to find out what the persons interests are, if you don't already have an idea what they are, and a visit to the nearest discount store. Always remember, it's the thought that matters.

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