Monday, June 27, 2011

What the Bible Has to Say About Marriage

The printing press' first product was the Bible which went on to become the most highly sold book in the world. You'll have a difficult time finding someone who truly understands the wisdom imparted by the Bible although you'll find plenty of people who are familiar with its sayings. The Bible details God's plan for the people in the world. It speaks of every topic that's of value to mankind and lets Christians know how God wants us to handle any given situation. Marriage is one of the main themes discussed in the Bible. In the first book of the Bible, God tells us that man wasn't meant to be alone and that he created women to give man companionship and procreation. Are you wondering what else the Bible has to say on the topic of marriage?

Marriage is clearly defined by God in the Bible. It is a union between one man and one woman. God lets us know that you will commit a sin if you partake in any other type of union. Paul discusses God's wrath against mankind in the book of Romans. He says that God's anger was piqued when “their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones with lust for one another.” Paul also says that “Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.”

We should be able to understand how a marriage is supposed to work even without the examples set forth by Paul. Many modern women don't like this advice, and we need to remember that Paul was speaking to people who shared ancient morals. Women are told to obey their husbands and allow them to be the heads of the households. Husbands are supposed to love their wives as they love themselves after leaving their parents.

The Bible doesn't discuss how one should go about getting a divorce. In the book of Matthew, Jesus clearly says “anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery.” Jesus says that it is not a requirement to get married in order to show devotion to the church. But if you can accept the marital teachings, then they can safely go ahead and get married. But for the human race to survive, marriage is necessary since children were intended to be born only from a marriage.

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out these websites on how to stop divorce and save a marriage and how to stop a divorce

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